
CheckoutPro - The customer-facing screen

Customer-facing with |

Turn your tablet into a customer-facing checkout screen with multiple payment methods through one API.

What is CheckoutPro?

CheckoutPro turns your tablet into a consumer-facing checkout screen with multiple payment methods through one API. It comes as a pre-built app, but is possible to get it as an SDK to implement with your own colors and font.

Customer-facing checkout screen: The app consists of three main features for the consumer

  • Line items to follow along the scanned items
  • Multiple payment methods (Card, local schemes like Swish, invoice)
  • Campaigns engine with AI-trained offers or loyalty program conversion

Digital receipts: Turn off your printer and make use of our digital receipts engine with the same campaign engine as in the checkout screen, and keep contact with your customers even after they leave the store


  • Dynamically based campaigns on tokens
  • Leverage the real estate in the CheckoutPro; by configuring three touchpoints, the welcome screen, the payment screen and the thank you screen
  • In all other handheld use cases we run our campaigns engine in the digital receipt
  • From unknown to known customers
  • Data, AI, and ML contextualize behavior-impulse decisions. Individual loyalty schemes: “The Loyalty of One”

Pair it with SurfPad

The CheckoutPro works perfectly with our payment terminals for card payments, and the best fit is the SurfPad. The reason is that when you take into consideration that we want the consumer focused on the screen and not the terminal, the more traditionally looking SurfPad does the job.

Let the consumer interact throughout the checkout journey and end up with a payment method of their choice.

Work with campaigns and loyalty based on what they are buying, and let our AI engine give them the best offer at the best time.

You can even make use of the screen even before the checkout starts by implementing a check-in. This can be for your loyalty program, the customer visit, or anything you want. We build this through the same APIs as you use for the other parts of the CheckoutPro.

Supported Payment Methods

Here are the payment methods we support across our platform:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Samsung Pay
  • Swish
  • Klarna

Everything starts with an order

Start the checkout journey by creating an order that can be processed by the CheckoutPro. You can create orders for both purchase and return. The order created can be paid either by card or other activated payment methods by using the Initiate a Payment API.

//Create new order
import axios from "axios"
const data = JSON.stringify(     
  	"terminal$id": "813bee989f08500405",
  	"type": "purchase",
  	"orderLines": [
  			"id": "1234",
  			"name": "Bucket hat",
  			"quantity": 1,
  			"itemAmount": {
  				"total": 2000,
  				"currency": "SEK",
  				"tax": [ { "amount": 500, "percentage": 25, "type": "vat" } ]
  	"totalOrderAmount": {
  		"total": 2000, "currency": "SEK", "tax": [ { "amount": 500, "percentage": 25, "type": "vat" } ]
const response = await axios({ 
  url: "YOUR_API_URL/orders",
  port: 3005,
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",


Ready to check out that Pro?

If you are interested in exploring our cloud-based payment solutions and the CheckoutPro solution for an increase in sales and loyalty conversion, please get in touch with us and we'll schedule a call.